The Gruene Cowboy Blog
Breaking News, Info & Great Commentary

Beeves (that's cowboy for Texas longhorns, y'all) meet the sausage experts late October in New Braunfels.

The Gruene Cowboy editor Stephanie Lieber Johnson will help welcome 150 Wurstfest "Opas" (German for grandpas) as they stop by Opa's German Store, 651 N. Business IH 35 to pick up their official 2015 Wurstfest beer steins. 

Opa's is a nationally recognized authority and official purveyor of the custom beer steins, which are made in Germany. The store specializes in beer steins, Black Forest cuckoo clocks, M.J. Hummel figurines, German attire . . . and is the official New Braunfels purveyor of The Gruene Cowboy.

At least one of the cowboys mentioned in The Gruene Cowboy - Ad Markwardt - is an ancestor of Opa's owner Ken Armke.

The annual Wurstfest celebrates its 55th year in sausages Nov. 6-15. Sprechen sie fun?

Sprechen sie cowboy!

Date TBD.